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Eric Ferguson recording video
Eric Ferguson recording video, possibly for a blog

One-candidate virtual forum is up

One-candidate virtual forum is up

Here’s the video of my virtual forum on YouTube. I’m including timestamps of the questions if you want to jump around, and they’re in the description on YouTube if you want to watch it there instead of the embed below.

1:01 Should we delay the election if the pandemic is still going on? Returned to it at 25:13
2:27 Should we ban plastic packaging?
5:04 Will your free college apply to out of state students?
6:36 What personal hardship are you experiencing from COVOD-19?
8:00 What should we do to dig out of the recession and fix the state budget?
11:24 Can you really put houses on top of a freeway?
12:50 Isn’t pumped hydro old energy storage technology?
15:12 Why do you prefer liability insurance for gunowners over red flag laws or background checks?
18:15 What should we do with Hiawatha golf course and Minnehaha Creek watershed?
22:00 What should we learn from the pandemic in terms of healthcare and effective government?
26:24 Will the college plan be prorated, like if you stay half the time, will you owe just half the money?
27:50 What should we do to save Fort Snelling?